Example PHP Script | Calculation Time

How to ensure that your web page could display the time one hour from now? Here you can see an example of a PHP script and explanation.

The script makes the calculation time can certainly be made in various ways. Usually advanced programmers will create a PHP script with a very brief way. why? One reason is that they create a PHP script more efficient. The more short PHP script, it looks more sophisticated and increasingly confusing us newbie.

Here we will take a look step by step.

The trick is by following three easy steps:

1. The principle is used to change the timestamp server using the function $ timestamp = strtotime ($ cur).

Well, the contents of the variable $ timestamp that is the number of seconds since January 1, 1970.

2. If so, add $ timestamp with the desired number of seconds (in this case is 60 seconds. So, add the following line of code: $ timestamp = $ timestamp +60.

3. If it is returned to the timestamp figures we know the date format in general with date function.

So, the whole code would be:

PHP Code:




date("m/d/Y H:i:s",$timestamp);


There is another way shorter (and perhaps a bit confusing for those who are just learning) like this example:


$timestamp = date('U');

$skr = date('m/d/Y H:i:s', $timestamp);

$nanti = date('m/d/Y H:i:s', $timestamp+60);


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