How to Run PHP Web Application with PHPTriad

HPTriad is one package that is used to run PHP. PHPTriad consists of several tools used in order to program PHP web applications can run, PHPTriad consists of:
  1. Web Server Apache
  2. Modul PHP
  3. Database Server MySQL
  4. PHPMyAdmin.
Install PHPTriad
1. Run the PHTriad installer. In "License Agreement" click "I Agree".
phptriad License Agreement
License Agreement
 2. All installation process runs automatically, wait until PHPTriad installer complete the installation process.
phptriad installation process
installation process
 3. Click "Close" when the installation process complete.

Run PPHTriad
After installation is complete, PHP web application can not be executed if Apache and MySQL database server is not running. Doing the steps below:
1. To run Apache. Menu "Start">> "All Programs" >> "PHPTriad" >>"Apache Console" >> "Start Apache".
2. To run MYSQL. Menu "Start">> "All Programs" >> "PHPTriad" >>"MYSQL" >> "Start MYSQL".
running phptriad
To run PHPTriad
 3. Open the browser and type http://localhost.
Test Localhost
4. Save your web page file in “C:\apache\htdocs”.
